Multispindle Drilling and Grinding Machines

About Erlmann

For more than 50 years our products have been valued by the major friction material producers world-wide.

The company has been founded in 1955 by the Engineer Ferdinand Erlmann. Due to his former activities he had best contacts to the Brake Lining and Clutch Facing Industry in Germany so that he could get a good overlook of their requirements.

He developed efficient production technology for drilling of brake linings and clutch facings. To fulfil the demand of our customers he designed as well Hand Drilling Jigs for a low production rate as automatically working machines for economic drilling of big runs.

In 1972, Ferdinand Erlmann incorporated a partnership with Rolf Stratmann and in 1987 he retired. Rolf Stratmann assumes the complete participations. 2007, 65 years old, he assigned the company to Dipl. Ing. Gerd Schorn and he continue the business.

Beside of our standard machinery program several special purpose machines have been built according to the requirements of our clients. Our Engineering department persistently develops the machines with high-precision components according to the newest technology. The requested quality regulations for the original equipment of the most important motorcar and axle producers will be completely fulfilled.

As producer of high quality machinery on a small and specialised market a personalised service to our customers is the first priority for us.


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Erlmann Drilling and Grinding
Erlmann Drilling and Grinding
Erlmann Drilling and Grinding
Erlmann Drilling and Grinding
Erlmann Drilling and Grinding
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